Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Senate Vote to Lift Bush Stem Cell Research Ban


Date: April 11, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Senate Vote to Lift Bush Stem Cell Research Ban

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today issued the following statement on Senate approval of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. Senator Clinton is an original cosponsor of the legislation.

"Today's vote is a critical step toward finally realizing the potential of stem cell research and shows clearly the broad, bipartisan support for lifting the President's stem cell ban. It's past time to put an end to the Bush Administration policy which is holding science back and holding our nation back in the race to new medical treatments and discoveries.

Stem cell research holds great hope of providing cures for chronic, incurable conditions from which millions of Americans suffer. There is a consensus among medical experts, scientists, and patient advocacy organizations, and among the American people, demanding that we open the doors to scientific innovation - instead of barring those doors shut. The president's stem cell ban truly amounts to a ban on hope for millions of Americans.

I applaud the Senate passage of this vital bill and urge the president to reconsider his threat to veto this legislation."
